Continuing from our last blog on building successful habits that support your purpose, we now get into the the essence of achieving great things. To achieve great things or even just personal goals usually require some time, energy and skill in performing some task. Let’s get into the specifics a bit. Time is a funny thing. One perspective is that time is the common denominator for everyone. It is the one currency that remains a

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Recall, from the last post that you have spent some time to consider what you find most meaningful to you being on this planet. This single point of focus is your purpose and you’ve whittled it down to a succinct idea that you came up with yourself. Now we need to turn that purpose into something more actionable. And that next step is goal-setting. With goal-setting, what milestones are you going to set that works

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As we begin a new year, people often like to set New Year’s resolutions or review their past year and set goals for the next. I, personally, don’t set New Year’s resolutions but rather I will start a new habit or adjust my goals whenever I feel I need to grow in a certain direction - in other words, the beginning of a calendar year to make a change is arbitrary to me. However, the

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Happy holidays, if you’re celebrating them. You’re probably going to a lot of social gatherings and eating foods that are high in sugar and fat and some boozy drinks alongside with that. I’m not here to give you a lecture on what you should and shouldn’t do over the holidays but I do want you to realize the holiday season for a lot of us began in November with Thanksgiving, continues through December and January

Read more0 We all have heard that having high cholesterol is bad - but why? It’s because having high cholesterol leads to heart attacks, but do you know why? It’s because cholesterol is the plaque that clogs the arteries in your heart, right? And how does one get high cholesterol (barring genetics)? It’s because of the foods we eat, that contain high cholesterol, right? All these point and more will be addressed in this blog but

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I’m just going to say it: if you’re not targeting to sleep at least 7 hours every night, then you don’t know how to prioritize your health. Although, our main focus at Olive Branch is fitness, nutrition, and psychology; the over-arching theme has always been wellness performance; and you simply cannot talk about wellness if you don’t get enough sleep. If you have been following my blog, then you know the importance of exercise, nutrition,

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As the year comes to a close, it’s inevitable that many people will be setting their new year resolutions (and why I don’t…) It’s a hectic time of the year. There will be people frantically closing out their final tasks before they take off for vacation. There will be people already on holidays visiting friends and family and dealing with uncomfortable questions about the relationship status or career. There will be people searching for that

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  If you’ve been following the last few blogs here on sugar, then you now have a pretty good understanding on the negative effects (ie. insulin resistance) as well as how sugar gets stored in your body as fat. In the last blog, we talked about how HIT exercise can help mitigate the negative forces of eating sugar. If we use the analogy that your bathtub filled with water is your body’s fat stores, then

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ACT is a tough 45-minute bodyweight-only high intensity (HIT) workout. I designed it to be hard not because I wanted it to be the toughest class in Shanghai, but because of all the physiological effects that I discussed about in my last blog and what needs to be done to reverse metabolic syndrome. If you recall from the last blog on sugar, one of the main issues we have in society is an over-consumption of

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