Don't want to build muscle? This is a very common question that I get asked especially by women when I suggest that they add some strength training into their routine. From my experience, it’s very hard to convince many women to build muscle. This may be related to a mild stigma in society against women building muscle for fear of looking “butch”. But another reason many women hesitate

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it's easier than you think...                 I'll be honest with you. This week is vacation week, so I'm rushing through this blog post so I can jump into the sea by a gorgeous beach that I'm currently lying on. So in the spirit of things this week's post will be on exercising on vacation. First off, vacations can be absolutely great for your health. The effect of bringing

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    When the pain comes, do you step on the brakes or do you step on the gas?     Sometimes, high intensity training sucks. I’m the first to admit the fact that it is definitely not one of the most enjoyable forms of exercise. For the majority of the time, you are in a miserable state. Your muscles are aching, trembling or cramping up from fatigue.  Your skin is wet, clammy and stinking

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