Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final part of the 3-part trilogy on dietary fats! I do have to congratulate you for coming this far as the feedback from my first 2 blogs in this trilogy has been consistently centered on how difficult it was to follow the technical mumbo-jumbo! So I do have to apologize but if you did manage to understand the science, you have equipped yourself with the knowledge to choose how

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Continuing from last week’s blog, we will continue to dive deeper into the fascinating world of biochemistry of fats. The following will build from last week’s blog, so if you haven’t read it, you can read it HERE, or for the summary you can click HERE. Before I start naming what oils are healthy and unhealthy, you need to understand the process of how the chemical structure of fats break down. By the end, you

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It’s time to talk about ‘fats’. I’m not talking about the stuff under your skin and jiggles when you jump, but the kind that you eat in food like drizzle on your salad or spread on your toast (actually, they are kinda the same thing). Everyone’s got an opinion about them and unfortunately, most people only know about the misconceptions of fats. There are many types of fat and so when you are talking about

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