It’s tough to change your lifestyle. The challenges of replacing bad habits with good habits can seem daunting.  Most people believe they need to exert a high level of willpower to refrain from doing their bad habits and to start doing the good ones. But there are ways to make it easier - very simple and easy ways that have a huge impact. The key is to have a social network that supports the change

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There’s a bug going around town!  I don’t know about you, but a lot of people I know are sick these days!  Maybe it’s due to the constant change in temperatures?  Maybe it’s due to the change of seasons?  Maybe it’s due to the stars?  Maybe it’s all of the above! One thing for sure is that if you’re sick with the flu, then it’s definitely because your immune system has weakened to the point

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  Coming just out of the Asia Wellness Summit held this past Saturday, I was prompted numerous times about the state-of-affairs on the gym scene here in Shanghai. People in general seem to have similar feedback when talking about the big box commercial gyms. Since, I also used to train out of these gyms (prior to opening Olive Branch), I not only understand but have witnessed these grievances in the gym. So here is a

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